Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Avery

Today is Avery's 6th birthday and I'm feeling very anti-cliche. Instead of feeling like I can't believe that she's 6 already, I can believe it. So much has changed since that night 6 years ago when I went into the hospital with nothing more than strong contractions and a terrible fear that my baby was coming too soon. She was born at 1:45 am and weighed only 5 lbs and 1 oz. She was 4 weeks early and had spells of apnea where she would quit breathing and turn blue at random. We had to give her doses of caffeine and keep her strapped to a machine that monitored her heart rate for four months.

Today she is one of the tallest and smartest in her class. She loves to draw, play card games and play with her dolls. She begs me for things like press-on fingernails and to have her training wheels taken off of her bike. She has started to fix her own hair and insists upon name-brand sneakers.

Sometimes I feel sorry for her because she is the oldest and we often find ourselves in uncharted territory. I learn from my mistakes with her. Despite all that she has taught me these past 6 years, I still stand in awe of her and find it hard to believe that I have such an amazing daughter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are doing an awesome job...really