Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Let me set the scene...Yesterday morning I left Ethan in his swing and Hannah watching TV in the living room to go and dry my hair in the bathroom. When I finished, about 5 minutes later, I heard Shelby chomping on something. So I chased her down and pulled a marker cap out of her mouth. "Hmmm, why are the markers out?" I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst as I headed into the living room. "Hannah, what are you doing?"

"I draw on Ethan!" she said proudly pointing to her work. The boy had black marker all over his bald little head, on his hands, and even some smeared on his face. And, he was just giggling through it all.

Mark my words, I'm in trouble with these two. He can't even crawl and already they are "thicker than thieves." To her, he is just an animated plaything. If he can't come with her to play across the room, she will just drag him over to where she wants him. If I put him in his swing, she thinks nothing of hanging on too. Ethan just giggles the whole time and thinks that she is great.

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